Automating OS Go Binary Installation and Management with Ansible

2 months ago
3 min read

I use Ansible to manage my entire OS setup, with a playbook that installs all necessary software, sets up my dotfiles, and configures my system. This playbook can be run on a fresh installation of my OS and have my system set up exactly how I like it. Recently, I shifted from the Linux Arch AUR to go install for Go binaries, as it felt simpler and ensured up-to-date dependencies - without having to depend on the authors creating Arch AUR packaging for it. However, I still couldn’t find a way to pin packages to specific GitHub tags/releases. To solve this, I created a simple Ansible playbook to install Go binaries directly from GitHub releases, allowing me to pin and auto update the version of the Go binaries I want to install.

First, we need to fetch the release versions from GitHub and store them in a JSON file:

- name: Fetch latest Go release for packages
  hosts: localhost
      # jsonnet
      # configuration-management
      # ... Other packages

    - name: Fetch latest release from GitHub
        url: "{{ item.split('/')[1] }}/{{ item.split('/')[2] }}/releases/latest"
        method: GET
        return_content: true
          Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
      register: github_release
      when: item.startswith('')
      loop: "{{ go_packages }}"
      ignore_errors: true
        label: "{{ item }}"

    - name: Initialize release_versions variable
        release_versions: {}

    - name: Parse release versions and handle errors
        release_versions: >-
            release_versions | combine({
              item.item: (
                item.content | from_json).tag_name if (
                'json' in item and 'tag_name' in (item.content | from_json) and item.status == 200
              ) else 'latest'
      loop: "{{ github_release.results }}"
        label: "{{ item.item }}"

    - name: Write versions to JSON file
        content: "{{ release_versions | to_nice_json }}"
        dest: "~/dotfiles/ansible/deps/go-package-versions.json"

Note: if the Go dependency is not a GitHub repository, it will just set the version to latest.

This will output a JSON file with the latest release versions of the Go packages we want to install. Here's an example:

    "": "v1.23.1",
    "": "v0.20.0",
    "": "v0.20.0",
    "": "v0.20.0"

We can then use the JSON file to install the Go binaries:

- name: Install and upgrade Go packages from JSON file
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no

    - name: Read the Go packages JSON file
        src: ~/dotfiles/ansible/deps/go-package-versions.json
      register: go_packages_file

    - name: Set Go packages fact
        go_packages: "{{ go_packages_file.content | b64decode | from_json }}"

    - name: Install or upgrade Go packages
      command: >
        go install {{ item.key }}@{{ item.value }}
        GOPATH: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/go"
      with_dict: "{{ go_packages }}"
      when: item.value is defined
        label: "{{ item.key }}"

    - name: Verify installations
      command: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/go/bin/{{ item.key.split('/')[-1] }} --version"
      register: go_pkg_versions
      failed_when: go_pkg_versions.rc != 0
      with_dict: "{{ go_packages }}"
        label: "{{ item.key }}"

    - name: Display installed Go package versions
        msg: "Installed {{ item.key }} version: {{ item.stdout }}"
      with_items: "{{ go_pkg_versions.results }}"

I hope this helps you manage your Go binaries with Ansible. I also manage all other pip, npm, ruby etc. with Ansible. The full examples of fetching and installing Go deps can be found here:

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