The kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart, which deploys the kubernetes-mixin
, targets standard Kubernetes setups, often pre-configured for specific cloud environments. However, these configurations aren’t directly compatible with k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution. Since k3s lacks many of the default cloud integrations, issues arise, such as missing metrics, broken graphs, and unavailable endpoints (example issue). This blog post guides you through adapting the kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart and the kubernetes-mixin
to work seamlessly in k3s
environments, ensuring functional dashboards and alerts tailored to k3s
Helm chart
Adjusting the First, take a look at how to turn off the alerts and dashboards that don’t work for k3s
. Add the following configuration to your values.yaml
file for the kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart:
# The default dashboards are not working for `k3s`, so we disable them.
defaultDashboardsEnabled: false
# The default rules are not working for `k3s`, so we disable them.
create: false
# Source for issues/solutions:
# `k3s` exposes all metrics combined for each component, so we don't need to scrape them separately
# We'll only scrape kubelet, otherwise we'd get duplicate metrics.
enabled: true
# Kubernetes API server collects data from master nodes, while kubelet collects data from master and worker nodes
# To not duplicate metrics we'll only scrape Kubelet
kubeApiServer: {}
kubeControllerManager: {}
kubeProxy: {}
kubeScheduler: {}
# `k3s` runs SQLite by default and not etcd, so we don't need to scrape etcd.
kubeEtcd: {}
The preceding configuration disables the default dashboards and rules while ensuring only the kubelet
metrics gets scraped. This adjustment is necessary because k3s
combines all metrics for its components into a single endpoint. Scraping these metrics separately would result in duplicates, leading to inconsistencies in your monitoring data.
Configuring the The kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart uses the kube-prometheus
project as a baseline for the Helm chart. The kube-prometheus
project is a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards and Prometheus rules combined with Jsonnet libraries to generate them. The kube-prometheus
project uses monitoring mixins to generate alerts and dashboards. Monitoring mixins are a collection of Jsonnet libraries that generate dashboards and alerts for Kubernetes. The kubernetes-mixin
is a mixin that generates dashboards and alerts for Kubernetes. The node-exporter
, coredns
, grafana
, prometheus
and prometheus-operator
mixins are also used to generate dashboards and alerts for the Kubernetes cluster.
Since the kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart with the new values turns off the alerts and dashboard, you need to generate the dashboards yourself by using jsonnet
. Install jsonnet
and the jsonnet-bundler
to initialize a new Jsonnet project:
go install
go install
Next, initialize a new Jsonnet project:
jb init
This creates a jsonnetfile.json
file. Now install the mixins:
jb install
jb install
jb install # Install the core-dns mixin if you use CoreDNS
This creates a jsonnetfile.lock.json
file and a vendor
directory. The other mixins pull in from the kubernetes-mixin
mixin since their dependencies. The kube-prometheus
project installs since helper functions from the project generate the dashboards and alerts.
Next, create a new file called main.jsonnet
and add the following content:
# We use helper functions from kube-prometheus to generate dashboards and alerts for Kubernetes.
local addMixin = (import 'kube-prometheus/lib/mixin.libsonnet');
local kubernetesMixin = addMixin({
name: 'kubernetes',
dashboardFolder: 'Kubernetes',
mixin: (import 'kubernetes-mixin/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {
cadvisorSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeletSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeSchedulerSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeControllerManagerSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeApiserverSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeProxySelector: 'job="kubelet"',
local nodeExporterMixin = addMixin({
name: 'node-exporter',
dashboardFolder: 'General',
mixin: (import 'node-mixin/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {},
local corednsMixin = addMixin({
name: 'coredns',
dashboardFolder: 'DNS',
mixin: (import 'coredns-mixin/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {
corednsSelector: 'job="coredns"',
local grafanaMixin = addMixin({
name: 'grafana',
dashboardFolder: 'Grafana',
mixin: (import 'grafana-mixin/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {},
local prometheusMixin = addMixin({
name: 'prometheus',
dashboardFolder: 'Prometheus',
mixin: (import 'prometheus/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {},
local prometheusOperatorMixin = addMixin({
name: 'prometheus-operator',
dashboardFolder: 'Prometheus Operator',
mixin: (import 'prometheus-operator-mixin/mixin.libsonnet') + {
_config+:: {},
local stripJsonExtension(name) =
local extensionIndex = std.findSubstr('.json', name);
local n = if std.length(extensionIndex) < 1 then name else std.substr(name, 0, extensionIndex[0]);
local grafanaDashboardConfigMap(folder, name, json) = {
apiVersion: 'v1',
kind: 'ConfigMap',
metadata: {
name: 'grafana-dashboard-%s' % stripJsonExtension(name),
namespace: 'monitoring',
labels: {
grafana_dashboard: '1',
data: {
[name]: std.manifestJsonEx(json, ' '),
local generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(mixin) = if std.objectHas(mixin, 'grafanaDashboards') && mixin.grafanaDashboards != null then {
['grafana-dashboard-' + stripJsonExtension(name)]: grafanaDashboardConfigMap(folder, name, mixin.grafanaDashboards[folder][name])
for folder in std.objectFields(mixin.grafanaDashboards)
for name in std.objectFields(mixin.grafanaDashboards[folder])
} else {};
local nodeExporterMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(nodeExporterMixin);
local kubernetesMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(kubernetesMixin);
local corednsMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(corednsMixin);
local grafanaMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(grafanaMixin);
local prometheusMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(prometheusMixin);
local prometheusOperatorMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards = generateGrafanaDashboardConfigMaps(prometheusOperatorMixin);
local grafanaDashboards =
kubernetesMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards +
nodeExporterMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards +
corednsMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards +
grafanaMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards +
prometheusMixinHelmGrafanaDashboards +
local prometheusAlerts = {
'kubernetes-mixin-rules': kubernetesMixin.prometheusRules,
'node-exporter-mixin-rules': nodeExporterMixin.prometheusRules,
'coredns-mixin-rules': corednsMixin.prometheusRules,
'grafana-mixin-rules': grafanaMixin.prometheusRules,
'prometheus-mixin-rules': prometheusMixin.prometheusRules,
'prometheus-operator-mixin-rules': prometheusOperatorMixin.prometheusRules,
grafanaDashboards + prometheusAlerts
This file generates the dashboards for Grafana and alerts for Prometheus. The addMixin
helper function from the kube-prometheus
project generates the dashboards and alerts. The addMixin
function accepts a mixin as an argument and generates a new object with dashboards and alerts included. The alerts appear as CustomResourceDefinition
(CRD) PrometheusRules
, making them compatible with Prometheus, while the dashboards output as json
files. Convert the dashboards to ConfigMap
objects to use them in Kubernetes. The grafanaDashboardConfigMap
function takes a folder, name, and json
as arguments and returns a ConfigMap
For the kubernetes-mixin
, the job selector kubelet
applies to all components. This is because the k3s
exposes all metrics combined for each component, so there is no need to scrape them separately. This is necessary; otherwise, dashboard, and alerts won’t work as expected. Now, run the following command to generate the dashboards and alerts:
jsonnet main.jsonnet -J vendor > generated.json
This generates a generated.json
file with the dashboards and alerts. However, the goal is to output the generated json
to individual files and also convert the files to yaml
for better readability. Lastly, it’s necessary to escape brackets in the yaml
files similar to how the kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart does it.
First, install gojsontoyaml
go install
Now, create a new file called
and add the following content:
set -e # Exit on any error
set -u # Treat unset variables as an error
# Define paths
# Function to escape YAML content
escape_yaml() {
local file_path="$1"
echo "Escaping $file_path..."
# Read the file content, process, and overwrite it
sed -i \
-e 's/{{/{{`{{/g' \
-e 's/}}/}}`}}/g' \
-e 's/{{`{{/{{`{{`}}/g' \
-e 's/}}`}}/{{`}}`}}/g' \
echo "Escaped $file_path."
# Clean the templates directory
echo "Cleaning templates directory..."
rm -rf ${MIXINS_DIR}/*
echo "Templates directory cleaned."
# Convert Jsonnet to YAML
echo "Converting Jsonnet to YAML..."
jsonnet main.jsonnet -J vendor -m ${MIXINS_DIR} | xargs -I{} sh -c 'cat {} | gojsontoyaml > {}.yaml' -- {}
echo "Jsonnet conversion completed."
# Remove all non-YAML files
echo "Removing non-YAML files..."
find ${MIXINS_DIR} -type f ! -name "*.yaml" -exec rm {} +
echo "Non-YAML files removed."
# Escape YAML files
echo "Escaping YAML files..."
find ${MIXINS_DIR} -name '*.yaml' | while read -r file; do
escape_yaml "$file"
echo "YAML files escaped."
echo "Processing completed successfully!"
This script generates the dashboards and alerts and convert them to yaml
files. It also escapes the brackets in the yaml
files. Now you can run the following command to generate the dashboards and alerts:
chmod +x
This generates the dashboards and alerts in the templates
directory. You can now apply the dashboards and alerts to your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f templates
Now, all alerts and dashboards work as expected in k3s
environments. You can now access the dashboards in Grafana and see the alerts in Prometheus.
In this blog post, this guide explores how to configure the kube-prometheus-stack
Helm chart and the kubernetes-mixin
to work out-of-the-box with k3s
. Tools like jsonnet
, jsonnet-bundler
, and monitoring mixins are introduced, highlighting how they simplify configuring dashboards and alerts for Kubernetes monitoring.