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2 years ago
terraform kubernetes aws iam gcp

IRSA and Workload Identity with Terraform

4 min read

The go-to practice when pods require permissions to access cloud services when using Kubernetes is using service accounts. The various clouds offering managed Kubernetes solutions have different implementations but they have the same concept, EKS has IRSA and GKE has …

2 years ago
terraform kubernetes aws security network vpn

Private EKS API Endpoint behind OpenVPN

7 min read

AWS offers a managed Kubernetes solution called Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). When an EKS cluster is spun up the Kubernetes API is by default accessible by the public. However, this might be something that your company does not approve of …

3 years ago
devops kubernetes ebs aws

Migrating Kubernetes PersistentVolumes across Regions and AZs on AWS

4 min read

Persistent volumes in AWS are tied to one Availability Zone(AZ), therefore if you were to create a cluster in an AZ where the volume is not created in you would not be able to use it. You will need to …

4 years ago
devops kubernetes aks gke eks

Creating a Low Cost Managed Kubernetes Cluster for Personal Development using Terraform

5 min read

Kubernetes is an open-source system that's popular amongst developers. It automatically deploys, scales, and manages containerized applications. Yet for those working outside of the traditional startup or corporate setting, Kubernetes can be CPU and memory-intensive, disincentivizing developers from using a …

4 years ago
devops prometheus kubernetes

Monitoring Kubernetes InitContainers with Prometheus

1 min read

Kubernetes InitContainers are a neat way to run arbitrary code before your container starts. It ensures that certain pre-conditions are met before your app is up and running. For example it allows you to: - run database migrations with Django …