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Effortless Markdown Styling with Tailwind, Pygments, and Key Plugins

5 min read

I’ve been running this blog for about five years, and during that time, it’s undergone several transformations. Initially, it was built with plain Markdown, HTML, and CSS. Over time, I experimented with various frameworks before finally settling on Tailwind CSS. …

Mocking ASGI Scope in WSGI Requests when Testing Django Async Views

3 min read

Django channels are great for asynchronous views, but they can be a headache to test. This is due to the incompatibility with database transactions and all the side effects that the incompatibility produces. For example, the common pattern of rolling …

Custom Python Logging For Scrapy

3 min read

Scrapy is a great web scraping framework, but it lacks a good logging setup. In this short blog post, I’ll show you how to use Structlog with Scrapy.

Deploying a Django Channels ASGI Server to Kubernetes

6 min read

Django channels is great for adding support of various network protocols as WebSockets, chat protocols, IoT protocols and other. It’s a great way to add real-time functionality to your Django application. To use channels however, requires you to deploy an …

Adding a Shell to the Django Admin

3 min read

Django’s admin is an amazing batteries-included addition to the Django framework. It’s a great tool for managing your data, and it is easily extendable and customizable. The same goes for Django’s ./ shell command. If we were to combine these …

Custom Django Error Pages

3 min read

Django comes with default views for 400, 403, 404 and 500 pages which is great. However, the default templates for these views are minimal - they just indicate what error it is. This blog post will walk through how to …

Django Development and Production Logging

12 min read

Django comes with many great built-in features, logging is one of them. Pre-configured logging setups that vary between development (debug mode) and production environments. Easy integration to send you emails on errors, out-of-the-box support for various settings as log levels …

Simple Django User Session Clearing using Celery

1 min read

Django provides session support out-of-the-box and stores sessions in the django_session database table. Django leaves it up to the project maintainers to purge sessions in their Django project. This means that if it’s not done on a regular basis the …

Best Practises for A Performant Django Admin

10 min read

The admin interface that comes with Django is one of the great things about Django. It comes with a ton of features out of the box and has many open source packages that extend the base functionality even more. Well …

Celery Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

5 min read

Celery is a python project used for asynchronous job processing and task scheduling in web applications or distributed systems. It is very commonly used together with Django, Celery as the asynchronous job processor and Django as the web framework. Celery …