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1 year ago
celery json structlog opentelemetry tracing django logging

Django Development and Production Logging

12 min read

Django comes with many great built-in features, logging is one of them. Pre-configured logging setups that vary between development (debug mode) and production environments. Easy integration to send you emails on errors, out-of-the-box support for various settings as log levels …

1 year ago
django devops celery celery-beat

Simple Django User Session Clearing using Celery

1 min read

Django provides session support out-of-the-box and stores sessions in the django_session database table. Django leaves it up to the project maintainers to purge sessions in their Django project. This means that if it's not done on a regular basis the …

1 year ago
celery jsonnet mixin grafana monitoring prometheus django

Celery Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

5 min read

Celery is a python project used for asynchronous job processing and task scheduling in web applications or distributed systems. It is very commonly used together with Django, Celery as the asynchronous job processor and Django as the web framework. Celery …

1 year ago
django monitoring celery error-tracking sentry

Django Error Tracking and Performance Monitoring with Sentry

6 min read

As good as a framework that Django is, the default method of sending an email when getting an error leave much to be desired. The database or cache acting flaky? Expect 1000s of emails depicting that error, which usually does …