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4 months ago
jsonnet mixin grafana monitoring prometheus sre ingress-nginx nginx

Ingress-Nginx Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

4 min read

Ingress-nginx provides an easy integration with Prometheus for monitoring. However, it can be challenging to get started with monitoring Ingress-nginx and creating dashboards and alerts. Therefore, I've created a monitoring mixin for Ingress-nginx which will provide Prometheus alerts and Grafana …

8 months ago
jsonnet argo-cd mixin grafana monitoring prometheus sre

ArgoCD Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

5 min read

ArgoCD has by default support for notifying when an Application does not have the desired status through triggers. For example, when an application becomes OutOfSync or Unhealthy, a notification is sent to your configured notification service (e.g. Slack). This was …

9 months ago
grafana monitoring prometheus jsonnet mixin blackbox-exporter

Showcase: Using Jsonnet & Mixins to Simplify Endpoint Monitoring with Blackbox-exporter

4 min read

Blackbox-exporter is a Prometheus exporter that probes endpoints and exposes metrics of the probe result. There are multiple guides on how to use the Blackbox-exporter, and we won't go into that, but rather focus on newer things as Jsonnet as …

1 year ago
celery jsonnet mixin grafana monitoring prometheus django

Celery Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

5 min read

Celery is a python project used for asynchronous job processing and task scheduling in web applications or distributed systems. It is very commonly used together with Django, Celery as the asynchronous job processor and Django as the web framework. Celery …

1 year ago
django grafana monitoring prometheus jsonnet mixin

Django Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

6 min read

The Prometheus package for Django provides a great Prometheus integration, but the open source dashboards and alerts that exist are not that great. The to-go Grafana dashboard does not use a large portion of metrics provided by the Django-Prometheus package, …

1 year ago
django monitoring celery error-tracking sentry

Django Error Tracking and Performance Monitoring with Sentry

6 min read

As good as a framework that Django is, the default method of sending an email when getting an error leave much to be desired. The database or cache acting flaky? Expect 1000s of emails depicting that error, which usually does …

1 year ago
grafana monitoring prometheus rabbitmq

RabbitMQ Per Queue Monitoring

4 min read

RabbitMQ has a native built-in Prometheus plugin and by default it has granular metrics disabled. Granular metrics means per-queue/vhost metrics - detailed metrics that provide message lag and consumer info on a queue and vhost basis. You could enable granular …

2 years ago
grafana monitoring prometheus graphql apollo nestjs

NestJS Apollo GraphQL Prometheus Metrics and Grafana Dashboards

4 min read

Apollo GraphQL and NestJS are gaining traction quickly, however the monitoring approaches are unclear. At the moment (late 2021 / early 2022) there are no default exporters or libraries for Prometheus metrics and the same goes for Grafana dashboards, this …

3 years ago
grafana monitoring ci/cd github

Correlating Continuous Deployments with Application Metrics using Grafana's Github Plugin

5 min read

GitOps is becoming the standard of doing continuous deployments. Define your application state in Git, automatically update and change the state when pull requests are merged. This means that deployments happens continuously, usually multiple times a day. There's a good …