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1 year ago
django ci/cd github-actions python

Core Continuous Integration (CI) Steps for Python and Django Applications

8 min read

Recently I worked on a Django project where I built a Django API using DRF, but I also was responsible for the infrastructure setup. Setting up a baseline Django project was easy due to the Django cookiecutter, but for the …

2 years ago
ci/cd graphql apollo nestjs

CI/CD for Apollo GraphQL Managed Federation

7 min read

GraphQL federation is great to use when you want a single API/gateway for all your queries. The simple to-go approach is schema stitching, where you run a gateway microservice which targets all other microservices and composes a graph. This works …

3 years ago
devops ci/cd jsonnet argo-cd tanka vault

GitOps Secret Management with Vault, ArgoCD and Tanka

7 min read

Recently I wrote a blog post on how to use Grafana's Tanka with ArgoCD which is my prefered way to write Kubernetes configuration in Jsonnet. However, the post does not go into detail on the last missing piece - how …

3 years ago
devops ci/cd jsonnet argo-cd tanka

GitOps with ArgoCD and Tanka

10 min read

GitOps is becoming the standard of doing continuous delivery. Define your state in Git, automatically update and change the state when pull requests are merged. Within the Kubernetes ecosystem two tools have become very popular for doing this FluxCD and …

3 years ago
grafana monitoring ci/cd github

Correlating Continuous Deployments with Application Metrics using Grafana's Github Plugin

5 min read

GitOps is becoming the standard of doing continuous deployments. Define your application state in Git, automatically update and change the state when pull requests are merged. This means that deployments happens continuously, usually multiple times a day. There's a good …

4 years ago
gitlab-ci slack webhooks ci/cd

Creating Group Webhooks with Templates for Gitlab CI

3 min read

Gitlab stores a vast majority of their functionality into their paid packages. Group webhooks is one of them and if your using a group runner, the group webhook becomes sought after. This is easily achievable without using a paid plan …

4 years ago
gitlab-ci devops automation kaniko ci/cd

Creating templates for Gitlab CI Jobs

4 min read

Writing Gitlab CI templates becomes repetitive when you have similar applications running the same jobs. If a change to a job is needed it will be most likely needed to do the same change in every repository. On top of …