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10 months ago
django performance django-admin ui

Best Practises for A Performant Django Admin

10 min read

The admin interface that comes with Django is one of the great things about Django. It comes with a ton of features out of the box and has many open source packages that extend the base functionality even more. Well …

1 year ago
celery jsonnet mixin grafana monitoring prometheus django

Celery Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

5 min read

Celery is a python project used for asynchronous job processing and task scheduling in web applications or distributed systems. It is very commonly used together with Django, Celery as the asynchronous job processor and Django as the web framework. Celery …

1 year ago
django ci/cd github-actions python

Core Continuous Integration (CI) Steps for Python and Django Applications

8 min read

Recently I worked on a Django project where I built a Django API using DRF, but I also was responsible for the infrastructure setup. Setting up a baseline Django project was easy due to the Django cookiecutter, but for the …

1 year ago
django grafana monitoring prometheus jsonnet mixin

Django Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

6 min read

The Prometheus package for Django provides a great Prometheus integration, but the open source dashboards and alerts that exist are not that great. The to-go Grafana dashboard does not use a large portion of metrics provided by the Django-Prometheus package, …

1 year ago
django monitoring celery error-tracking sentry

Django Error Tracking and Performance Monitoring with Sentry

6 min read

As good as a framework that Django is, the default method of sending an email when getting an error leave much to be desired. The database or cache acting flaky? Expect 1000s of emails depicting that error, which usually does …

1 year ago
grafana monitoring prometheus rabbitmq

RabbitMQ Per Queue Monitoring

4 min read

RabbitMQ has a native built-in Prometheus plugin and by default it has granular metrics disabled. Granular metrics means per-queue/vhost metrics - detailed metrics that provide message lag and consumer info on a queue and vhost basis. You could enable granular …

2 years ago
terraform kubernetes aws iam gcp

IRSA and Workload Identity with Terraform

4 min read

The go-to practice when pods require permissions to access cloud services when using Kubernetes is using service accounts. The various clouds offering managed Kubernetes solutions have different implementations but they have the same concept, EKS has IRSA and GKE has …

2 years ago
terraform kubernetes aws security network vpn

Private EKS API Endpoint behind OpenVPN

7 min read

AWS offers a managed Kubernetes solution called Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). When an EKS cluster is spun up the Kubernetes API is by default accessible by the public. However, this might be something that your company does not approve of …

2 years ago
ci/cd graphql apollo nestjs

CI/CD for Apollo GraphQL Managed Federation

7 min read

GraphQL federation is great to use when you want a single API/gateway for all your queries. The simple to-go approach is schema stitching, where you run a gateway microservice which targets all other microservices and composes a graph. This works …

2 years ago
grafana monitoring prometheus graphql apollo nestjs

NestJS Apollo GraphQL Prometheus Metrics and Grafana Dashboards

4 min read

Apollo GraphQL and NestJS are gaining traction quickly, however the monitoring approaches are unclear. At the moment (late 2021 / early 2022) there are no default exporters or libraries for Prometheus metrics and the same goes for Grafana dashboards, this …