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4 years ago
django a-b-testing google-optimize web-analytics google-analytics

Django A/B testing with Google Optimize

8 min read

Struggling to determine your product’s future path? A/B testing helps you decide if you should take the road less traveled by. To understand your users and their needs, start by creating two product variations and collecting data points. Google Optimize …

4 years ago
devops prometheus kubernetes

Monitoring Kubernetes InitContainers with Prometheus

1 min read

Kubernetes InitContainers are a neat way to run arbitrary code before your container starts. It ensures that certain pre-conditions are met before your app is up and running. For example it allows you to: - run database migrations with Django …

4 years ago
terraform gitlab-ci devops kaniko ci makisu

6 ways to speed up your CI

8 min read

Waiting for CI to finish slows down development and can be extremely annoying, especially when CI fails and you have to run it again. Let's take a look into approaches on how to speed up your CI and minimize the …

4 years ago
django cms wagtail headless api

Recipes when building a headless CMS with Wagtail's API

3 min read

Recently I built a headless CMS using Wagtail's API as a backend with NextJS/React/Redux as a frontend. Building the API I ran into some small issues with Image URL data, the API representation of snippets and creating a fully customized …

4 years ago
gitlab-ci slack webhooks ci/cd

Creating Group Webhooks with Templates for Gitlab CI

3 min read

Gitlab stores a vast majority of their functionality into their paid packages. Group webhooks is one of them and if your using a group runner, the group webhook becomes sought after. This is easily achievable without using a paid plan …

4 years ago
mailgun statuscake terraform cloudflare devops s3 rds django

Kickstarting Infrastructure for Django Applications with Terraform

8 min read

When creating Django applications or using cookiecutters as Django Cookiecutter you will have by default a number of dependencies that will be needed to be created as a S3 bucket, a Postgres Database and a Mailgun domain.

4 years ago
gitlab-ci devops automation kaniko ci/cd

Creating templates for Gitlab CI Jobs

4 min read

Writing Gitlab CI templates becomes repetitive when you have similar applications running the same jobs. If a change to a job is needed it will be most likely needed to do the same change in every repository. On top of …